Hello everyone, I write from italy ... of course I'm a fan of chuck! and I hope
strongly due out a fifth season, or better yet a sixth!
Date: 30/04/2011
Subject: chuck4ever!!
Date: 30/04/2011
Subject: fifth season
chuck is the only tv show that i really enjoy it is full of humor and action i laugh so much my stomach actually starts hurting i will be following chuck for as long as its airing and even after words i will be watching and voting for the fifth season CHUCK FTW!!!!!!!!!
Date: 28/04/2011
Subject: Of Course, Chuck!
Hello from Spain.
I am a devoted fan of Chuck - and my son Arturo too - and I can't think no more seasons. I am waiting for the new season in spanish, because my english is not so good. He had my vote, of course!
¡Bien por Chuck!
Date: 29/04/2011
Subject: Re: Of Course, Chuck!
Your English is fine. Thank You for your kind words and vote.
Date: 27/04/2011
Subject: You're the best!!!
I'm a 15 year old boy in South-Africa. I watched Chuck since the first season started on M-net(a South-African T-v channel), since then I never missed a single episode. Chuck is the best on Tv theres nothing better to watch. Chuck changed tellevision, Chuck will always be my first choice when it comes to judging Tv programmes. And like Alexie Volkoff said to Chuck's mom in Season 4, Family and friends is everything, money and power is a dance with the devil, and he looks like me.